Hose Safety in the Workplace: Reel Solutions for Real Concerns
Leaving hoses unkept, either in a pile on the floor or on a work surface, presents many risks to the workplace and those who occupy it.
Safety for the workplace
Improperly stored hoses are a safety risk. Tripping, falling, and the resulting injury can happen often if hoses are left on the floor, especially in areas where workers are passing through. Accidents in the workplace result in lost time and productivity.
Protecting your hoses
Leaving hoses on the floor in a pile poses a risk to the construction of the hose. When hoses are improperly stored after use, wear to the hose can happen earlier than expected. A hose that is tripped on or accidentally kicked or stepped on can also endure extra wear, resulting in a hose that needs to be replaced early.
Disorganization does not lead to efficiency
Disorganized, tangled hoses result in disorganization and lost time for a worker who must use the hose. Efficiency in the workplace is hindered by having hoses in a pile on the floor with no system for properly storing them.
The best solution for hose storage is a hose reel.
TIPCO is proud to partner with Hannay Reels, the leading manufacturer of hose reels. Hannay offers reels for various markets and applications - air or water, fire hose, garden hose, grease reels, oil and petroleum reels, pressure washing, and welding.
Expect these changes when hose reels are utilized in the workplace:
- Increased safety
- Increased productivity
- Decreased risk of damage to hoses
- Increased efficiency